CRISIS UNSC : Peacekeeper or trouble maker? Peacekeepers troops in South Sudan being suspected of being involved in criminal activities in South Sudan

In a recent anti-human trafficking operations by South Sudan national police, with the cooperation with Interpol, successfully busted a group of human traffickers on the run in Akabo city, Jonglei state. During the interrogation process, individuals detained have confessed that they have paid off money to high ranking officers in the United Nations Peacekeepers troopers in the United Nations Missions in the Republic of South Sudan in exchange for protection against the weak and ineffective local police forces. These suspects also described the process of how they would co-operate and synchronize with these corrupt officers in Peacekeepers troops in which before the victims are being transported, they would inform the route to the aforementioned officers to confirm that they would not encounter with local police forces. Although they refused to mention specific names, they did explicitly mentions the nationality of such officers, namely Ghana, Senegal, Rwanda, India, Uganda, Russia and Ethiopia. They also told that the relationship they have with these officers meant that the rival criminals groups would also less likely to increase tension with them.

Investigators from Interpol; have also confirmed that there are strong intels and proofs that many other local criminal gang in South Sudan which are involved in drug-trafficking, arm-trafficking and human trafficking activities also paid off some individuals in the United Nations Peacekeeper forces in exchange for protection. There has been reports that clearly described the involvement of United Nations Peacekeepers force in South Sudan territory. Shockingly, they also revealed that soldiers who attempt to report these illegal actions to higher officers would face with unreported punishment and peer-pressure from his/her own respective national troops. Whistleblowers in most of these cases immediately get suspended and sent back to his/her respective national troops. Whistleblowers in most of these cases immediately get suspended and sent back to his/her respective country.

In an emergency press conference 2 hours ago, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the operation, Ellen Margrethe Loj have stated that there will be immediate Internal investigation within the all personnel deployed in South Sudan. Any person found guilty would be immediately suspended and sent back to their respective countries. She also stated that the main problem with the communication and report mechanism in Peacekeeper troop is very problematic, in which soldiers are more loyal to their national highest officers deployed with them, and not the head of management as a whole. Therefore, troops that come from countries with questionable work ethics and transparency issue will be harder to management.

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